Sims 2 For Mac Os X Fixed
Sims 2 For Mac Os X >>>
The main part of the game is to lead a Sim from the start of life to death. A Sim will be born when a female Sim and a male Sim try for a baby several times. The mother will spend 3 Sim days (each day lasts 24 minutes though time can be sped-up) pregnant before giving birth to a baby.[9] During Pregnancy, the belly does not expand gradually. Instead, every day, it \"pops\" to a bigger size. Players can name the new Sim upon birth. The baby's appearance and personality will be based on the genetics of its parents (though the baby's appearance is hidden until it becomes a toddler). Babies can also be adopted by calling adoption service on the phone, even by single parents, old age sims or same-gender couples. The baby will change into a toddler in 3 days, and 4 more days for the toddler to change into a child. After 8 days, the child grows into a teenager, and will live 15 days before changing into an adult. After 29 days, the Sim will become an elder. An elder will eventually die; the length of this final stage depends on the aspiration bar when they become an elder.
This is nonsense. We've reviewed 100 percent of the content. There is no content inappropriate for a teen audience. Players never see a nude Sim. If someone with an extreme amount of expertise and time were to remove the pixels, they would see that the sims have no genitals. They appear like Ken and Barbie.
The Game Boy Advance version of The Sims 2 takes place in Strangetown, and shares a similar GUI to its predecessors (The Sims Bustin' Out and The Urbz). Players are guided through a goal-oriented game based on the reality television concept in which partitions of the game are divided into \"episodes\". Characters from the previous handheld sims games also appeared.
Create and control one or multiple sims, human beings living in a world similar to ours and going to work, entering relationships, buying houses and furniture, spending time on vacation, raising kids, etc. The game provides the full list of features to simulate real life.
While in Live mode, Shift + Click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.Contributed By: gaspotheclown 86 93Misc. Codes PCPress CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following:EffectCode50,000 simoleansmotherlodeAllows you to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation falseAlots any amount of money you desire to any sim family (remove parenthesis in the family's last name and replace the XXXX's with any amount you want)familyfunds (Family's last name) XXXXChanges the slope angle of a roofRoofSlopeAngle (15-75)Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect.clearcloses cheat windowexitDisables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation trueDisplays information about indicated [cheat command]expands or contracts cheat windowexpandget 1000 cashkachingif set to true ALL other cheats work.boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/falseIn neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlightedboolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)increases game performance but lowers graphicsvsync (on/off)lets you know if theres a patchautopatch (on/off)list cheatshelp -allmakes your sims larger or smallerStretchSkeletonmoves objects and deletes you couldnt beforemoveobjects (on/off)Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest)slowmotionSet to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhoodboolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)Set to false to place floor tiles outside lotboolprop locktiles (True/False)Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)Set to false to remove floorpainting on lotboolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside houseboolprop objectShadows (True/False)Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lotsboolprop lotWater (True/False)Set to false to remove roads from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside houseboolProp guob (True/False)Set to false to remove water from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhoodboolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look atboolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhoodboolprop carsCompact (True/False)Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Simboolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when usedboolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks toboolProp displayPaths (True/False)Set to true to show lot informationboolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)Toggle shadows on/off for SimsboolProp simShadows (True/False)turn off agingaging offturn on agingaging onturns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.faceBlendLimits (on/off)unlocks career rewards.unlockcareerrewardsVersion in the cheat box.gameVersionYou can invite more people to your parties.intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8You can place objects outside the grid.boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/falseContributed By: simcowking, Dargon_Zeta_Que, banjo_kazooie, Cataha_De_Ziel, Hydra1001, smartguy_L649, dnextreme88, ZodiacRose, Swiftshark, Z3rr0, chocolatecraZ92, Ryajinor, Da_CheaterzDX, Mr_Bartuc 45 91More Codes PCPress Ctrl + Shift + C to access the console.
As a side note, if, when in your sims' house, you hit ctrl + click on one of their aspirations (be it a desire or fear) their aspiration will be realized, and you will gain the points (positive or negative). This does not actually fulfill the prerequisite for the aspiration: for example, if the aspiration is \"have a baby\", ctrl + click won't actually allow your sim to have the baby.EffectCodeTurns off special editing featuresboolProp testingCheatsEnabled falseTurns on special editing featuresboolProp testingCheatsEnabled trueContributed By: ganyblack 8 20Neighborhood Only Cheats PCBring up cheat window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + CEffectCodeAt neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood.deleteAllCharactersOnly for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types.TerrainType (desert/temperate)Contributed By: anm4ever1984 13 12Other Parameters PCAdd these to the shortcut's parameters for other helpful things. Some have code counterparts.EffectCodeDisables sound-nosoundFullscreen Mode-fStart with desired resolution (in pixels).-r[width]x[height]Windowed Mode-wContributed By: mjunx 14 15Perk Cheat PSPOn the Perks screen in the info menu, Go to buy perks and hold L + R + Square for 5 sec. A cheat perk will appear showing a Woo-Hoo icon, which is free. Buy that perk and launch it. You will find activate button. Click it and move your selection to left by clicking left arrrow. Then, it will become white. Hence, select any cheat you want.EffectCodeLaunches Cheats.Hold L+R+SquareContributed By: DarknessOfMyth, Aayush_PSP 36 43Team Photo PS2Enter this code at the title screen for the Team Photo.EffectCodeTeam PhotoRight, Down, Right, Down, RightContributed By: Rob143 10 0The Sims 2 Cheat Codes for the X Box XBOXEnter these codes in game. Most codes need the player to enter the master code first.
Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game. Contributed By: gsgreg 13 3For Poor Families PCThe trick is that no matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day, you can get all your money back. So if your Sim is poor and needs body points or something, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to refund all your money.Contributed By: sftblchic002 15 10Listen To Mp3's On Sim Radio PCFirst get whatever Mp3's you want to put on the game, then open up MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on). Then, Drag your MP3 into the folder. Now, start Sims 2 then go to options menu, then music settings, then the Radio Station, then pick witch songs you want the radio to play. You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.Contributed By: brado 16 7Listen to music included with game PCFirst, open your The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound directory. The names of radio stations, plus a few more including Build mode and Neighborhood music should be here in *.package files. Copy and paste the file corresponding to whatever you want to listen to into another folder. Rename it from [File].package to [File].mp3. You can now listen to the sound/songs included in the file.Contributed By: BloodMachine 10 4Saving Pizza PCHave a sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery guy comes DON'T accept the pizza! The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and the pizza will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas as you want, so if your sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.Contributed By: VinsMousseux 20 7Unlock Mongoo Monkey DSTo unlock Mongoo Monkey for the casino, play The Sims 2 DS while having The Sims 2 GBA in the DS.Contributed By: Humanvegetable 3 1Use your own videos for the TV PCIt's possible to watch your own videos on the Sim-TV. You must put the video you want into My Documents\\EA Games\\The Sims 2\\Movies\\Broadcast (the TV sender you want). If you then turn on the TV in the game you can watch it! The video must be .avi-clips and the clips shouldn't be larger then 128x128 pixel also it shouldn't have more then 15 frames per second. Contributed By: _Ganondorf13 14 4The Sims 2 University CheatsCodesChange existing lot into a dormitory PCWhilst in property you wish to make a dormitory, hold down control, shift and c. Then type it into there.EffectCodeMakes an existing lot a dormitory.changelotzoning dormContributed By: gibbetygibb 2 0Cheat Codes PCPress [Ctrl]+[Shift]+C during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes : codes are case-sensitive:EffectCode (True/False)Set to false to remove roads from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on)letterBox #Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation falseBlurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)vignette # # #Changes the slope angle of a roofRoofSlopeAngle (15-75)Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect.clearClose console windowexitDisables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation trueDisplay information about indicated cheathelp (cheat command)Expand or contract console windowexpandif set to true ALL other cheats work.boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/falseIn neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlightedboolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)Increase game performance with some graphics glitchesVsynclets you know if theres a patchautopatch (on/off)List most cheat codeshelpMake Sims larger or smaller; 1.0 is normalStretchSkeleton (number)Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)filmGrain #Only for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types.TerrainType (desert/temperate)Prevent Sims from agingaging (on or off)Remove all Sims; use in neighborhood viewdeleteAllCharactersSet to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhoodboolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)Set to false to place floor tiles outside lotboolprop locktiles (True/False)Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)Set to false to remove floorpainting on lotboolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lotsboolprop lotWater (True/False)Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside houseboolProp guob (True/False)Set to false to remove water from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhoodboolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look atboolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Simboolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when usedboolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks toboolProp displayPaths (True/False)Set to true to show lot informationboolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)bloom rgb #Slow motion; 0 is normal, 8 is slowestslowMotion (0-8)Toggle automatic game updatesautoPatch (on or off)Toggle shadows for Sims boolProp simShadows (true or false)Turn off facial DNA blending in Create A SimfaceBlendLimitsTurns Postprocessing off.boolProp enablePostProcessing falseTurns Postprocessing on.boolProp enablePostProcessing trueUse in neighborhood screen to invite guests with a partyintPropYou can invite more people to your parties.intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims #You can place objects outside the grid.boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/falseYou can tell what social reaction will happen before you do itsocial_debugContributed By: BigMichaelD, ShadowDragon777 2 0CodesPress Ctrl + Shift + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes may be case-sensitive.EffectCode (True/False)Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on)letterBox #All other cheats do not workboolProp testingcheatsenabled falseAll other cheats workboolProp testingcheatsenabled trueAllows you to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation falseAt neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood.deleteAllCharactersBlurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)vignette # # #Changes the slope angle of a roofRoofSlopeAngle (15-75)Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect.clearcloses cheat windowexitdecreases game performance but increases graphicsvsync offDisables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.boolprop constrainFloorElevation trueexpands or contracts cheat windowexpandGives you $50,000MotherlodeGives you 1,000 simoleonskachingIn neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlightedboolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)increases game performance but lowers graphicsvsync onlets you know if theres a patchautopatch (on/off)list cheatshelp -allMake you set the game speed. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)slowMotion #Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)filmGrain #makes your sims larger or smallerStretchSkeletonmoves objects and deletes you couldnt beforemoveobjects (on/off)Only for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types.TerrainType (desert/temperate)Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest)slowmotionSet to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhoodboolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)Set to false to place floor tiles outside lotboolprop locktiles (True/False)Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)Set to false to remove floorpainting on lotboolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside houseboolprop objectShadows (True/False)Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lotsboolprop lotWater (True/False)Set to false to remove roads from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside houseboolProp guob (True/False)Set to false to remove water from neighborhoodboolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhoodboolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look atboolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhoodboolprop carsCompact (True/False)Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Simboolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when usedboolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks toboolProp displayPaths (True/False)Set to true to show lot informationboolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)bloom rgb #Toggle shadows on/off for SimsboolProp simShadows (True/False)turn off agingaging offturn on agingaging onturns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.faceBlendLimits (on/off)Turns Postprocessing off.boolProp enablePostProcessing falseTurns Postprocessing on.boolProp enablePostProcessing trueUse your , & . keys to rotate the objects. It allows you to put objects on anglesboolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation trueYou can invite more people to your parties.intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8You can place objects outside the grid.boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/falseYou can tell what social reaction will happen before you do itsocial_debugContributed By: ShadowDragon777, Recosallie 1 0debug mode PCHold ctrl+shift and press C at the neighborhood veiw to enter this code. Them, enter a house, hold shift and click on something and get option you normaly wouldn't! Ex: get abducted, set to birthdayEffectCodeturns off debug modeboolProp TestingCheatsEnabled falseturns on debug modeboolProp TestingCheatsEnabled trueContributed By: pikminwars 0 1Have a maximum of 255 floors! PCOpen up the cheat box ( Ctrl, Shift and C) the type in sethighestallowedlevel 255.This will make it so you can build a maximum of 255 floors.NOTE: Some peoples games have crashed because they have built to many floors then their computer can handle. So beware.Contributed By: JaMie45 0 0Misc. Codes PCPress Ctrl + Shift + C and then enter the following:EffectCode$1000Kaching50,000 simoleansmotherlodeadds more details to the cars in the neighborhoodsboolprop carsCompact trueAllows you to rotate objects at a 45 Degree Angle (use < and >)boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/falseremoves the blurintprop censorgridsize 0You gain the ability to move objects you aren't supposed to. NOTE: Don't delete your sims! This gets rid of them perminently unless you don't save!move objects onContributed By: bmanblue, BannedAccount, JD3M, MoogleKirby 0 0PasswordsDorm Cheat PCEnter code wile in live mode in a dorm to acces all of build mode!Remember (ctrl+shift+c) to enter code window.(The capitalization of certain letters varies from computer to computer sometimes.)EffectPasswordDisables some building mode toolsboolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled trueEnables all building mode toolsboolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled falseContributed By: LordZanto 0 2GlitchesEasy aspiration PCThis works best in a dorm where there are a lot of students.Wait until your sim gets the \"do assignment\" want.Wait for a NPC to start doing theirs,and when they are nearly finished,issue a social command to the NPC.He/she will leave the work on the on it and finish it,but you get the points even tough it isn't your work!Contributed By: Fozzy911 0 0Play as the NPC's your teen Sims bring home from school PCSince those NPC's that they bring home are teens, you'll never be able to have them move in with you, but if you go to the Neighborhood screen and go to where the Sim bin is, you'll see an option that says 'Send Sims to college' under that menu is all of the teen Sim NPC's. Send them to college and play them there until they Graduate or once at college just have them drop out to send them back to the Neighborhood and in the Sim bin where you can have them move into a lot and play them there.Contributed By: BannedAccount 1 0The Mysterious Friend PCWhenever, you use your portable gaming system, after finishing playing it, a relationship point gain will appear over your head. After playing with the game many times, your Sim will even develop a crush on it. The strange part is though, no new Sims are added to your friends list.Contributed By: tomagreen 0 1UnlockablesSecret Society Abilities PCOnce you are a secret society member, you can do the following:UnlockableHow to UnlockHack Grades abilityBe a Secret Society MemberNeat-o llama blazerBe a Secret Society MemberSecret HandshakeBe a Secret Society MemberUse of items in Secret Society HQBe a Secret Society MemberContributed By: MoogleKirby 0 0Easter EggsWill Wright's Guest Appearence PCWhen you go to the Create-A-Sim menu there is a room with a mirror and window, for designing your sim. In the left hand corner (beside the mirror) there is a mysterious potrait. This is Will Wright as a sim!Contributed By: tomagreen 0 0Secrets20,000 the Easy Way PCMake sure that you have at least one family in the Family Bin in your neiborhood. When you are in the Neiborhood View, pick one of the families in the Family Bin and highlight the house that you want to have instant cash. Merge the households like normal. When you go into the house that you merged, you will be 20,000 richer. If you want, you can move the new resident or residents out like normal. You can repeat this as much as you like to be as rich as you want!Contributed By: NinjaGirl653 0 0Change TV Volume PCThe cheat command floatProp tvVolume X will change the volume of the TV in The Sims 2 University. 153554b96e
I am hoping the same best effort from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing skills has inspired me. BOOSTARO