Rasputin The Devil In The Flesh Torrent
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In a word, Doctor Charcot would have found inhim an invaluable assistant in the experiments he wasso fond of making. But he did not go further thanthese eccentricities. Orgies did not take place duringthe prayer meetings in which Rasputin exertedto the utmost the magnetic powers which he undoubtedlypossessed. While he had been preaching to thehumble followers he had at the beginning of his careerof thaumaturgy the theory of free love, to hisSt. Petersburg disciples he declared that sensualitywas the one great crime which the Almighty never76forgave to those who had rendered themselves guiltyof it. It was in order to subdue the flesh and the devilthat he commanded his victims to mortify themselvestogether with their senses, and that he submitted themto the most revolting practices of self-penitence beforewhich they would have recoiled with horror hadthey been of sound mind. 153554b96e
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