Failed To Change Mac Address For Wireless Network Connection
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Windows 8.1 has a "feature" that restricts the values you can set the mac address on a wireless network adapter (note: this restriction does not apply to ethernet adapters), even if your network adapter itself contains no restrictions and gives you the full ability to change the mac address to any value you like (which can be confirmed by booting into any other OS, such as BSD or Linux, and changing the mac address there)
However the users who answered ignored what the poster said and provided instructions for changing the mac address through the methods which he (and I) are already using to change it. These methods do not get around the restriction, and you are still only able to change the address to values that match the following patterns:
So for example, if you change the mac address to 02:E3:14:D7:4C:00, the change will take effect. If you try to change it to 24:E3:14:D7:4C:00, it will not take effect. This value will still be displayed in the "network address" field in the driver advanced settings, but the OS will force the mac address back to the default value for that card
To add insult to injury, that user's question was also incorrectly marked as a duplicate of a general question asking how to change mac addresses in general. That is not what he was asking, and that is not what I am asking. So before you answer, please make sure you understand what I am asking:
I am NOT asking how to change my mac address in general. I know how to do this. I know the method to change it in the adapter advanced menu, I know the method to change it using the command line, i know the method to change it by editing the registry, I am familiar with common mac address changing tools like TMAC, SMAC, macshift, etc. All of these tools are just abstractions to the methods listed above. I KNOW all these methods ALREADY.
What I AM asking is how to change the mac address successfully to something that does not start with 02, 06, 0A, or 0E on Windows 8.1, because there is a "feature" in the operating system that will override whatever value you set it to to the default NIC mac address if the first octet is not one of those values. In other words, I am asking if there is any method to disable this restriction feature, or get around it somehow.
I have a problemI have written a program with c# that it should change MAC-address but windows says I can set MAC-addresses that start with 02 or 06 or 0A or 0EWhat should I do?Can I disable that permission?
The trick are the original wifi adapter program are communicate through the internal adapter program what created the Hyper-V program and the user can change the MAC address without limitation using a MAC spoofing software like TMAC Technicum MAC address changer. I tested with Wireless Network Watcher program and all spoofed MAC addresses working without limitations this way.
The communication goes this way with the setup 1.The wifi adapter ->2. Original wifi network adapter program with the 2, 6, A, E, X2-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX limitations -> 3. Hyper-V adapter program without MAC limitations (you must change the MAC address here) -> 4. The wifi network what see the Hyper-V spoofed MAC address.
The moment a device is connected to a WiFi network, the WiFi MAC address becomes known to the other devices within the local LAN, so, if you decide to connect your smartphone to an Airport or hotel WiFi network, the admin can see the MAC address of your handset. But does it matter? Yes, but not really in the way you may think.
A Media Access Control address is unique in nature which is doled out to a Network Interface Card to be utilized as a network address in communications within a network. In the Open Systems Interconnection network model, these addresses are utilized under the data link layer. Network nodes with multiple network interfaces, like routers and multi-layer switches, should have a single MAC address for every NIC. MAC addresses are regularly utilized for different purposes:
Step 6: Specify the new MAC address and then, Click OK. If the MAC address change fails try setting the second character to 2 or 6 or A or E(Make sure to enter exactly 12 digits in the empty field of value).
Step 7: Now, the MAC address has been changed so, in order to verify the changes we have to Wireless Network Adapter option in Control Panel and Disable it by right-clicking on it, then after few seconds we will double click on the same icon in order to re-enable the Wireless NIC.
I've been trying to spoof my MAC address for a while now, because I want my brother's laptop to be using my data allowance at college (I don't use much bandwidth, most of mine goes to waste) and for some reason there isn't an option at their internet access site to un-register a device, and it can only be registered to one person at a time. Here is what I have tried (the network interface in question is named wlo1):
First I tried the simple approach. I clicked on the wireless icon in the top-right corner, clicked "edit" connections, made a new connection with the same SSID but with a different MAC address in the "cloned MAC Address" field. I saved it and attempted to connect to it, but after about a minute of failed attempts it gave up and connected to it using the old MAC address.
Then I tried the CLI approach. I found that no matter what, any time that network-manager started, my changes made with ifconfig were reset. Additionally, all changes made with ifconfig while network-manager was running were completely ignored. sudo ifconfig wlo1 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX would change it (according to ifconfig wlo1) despite giving an error message (SIOCSIFHWADDR: Too many open files in system, and YES I've checked ulimit and it isn't a problem with that), but would have no impact on network-manager, and any attempt to restart network-manager resulted in all changes being reset. Finally, thinking that a CLI utility dedicated to this task should be up to it, I tried the following:
So, in summary: attempts at manually changing with ifconfig and other tools think they fail, but apparently actually change the MAC address, without having any effect whatsoever on my connections. network-manager can't successfully spoof a MAC address because... I have no idea. It silently fails to connect and I'm too dumb to know where to look for error messages. I have no clue why something this simple is so difficult for my software to do. Frankly, I suspect that this is Broadcom bullcrap at it again, in which case my options amount to kicking a cat or something. I hope that is not the case.
How can I try to find what is causing the problem and fix it? I don't know where the bugs lie, and frankly they seem to be everywhere. Is there a way to confirm or disprove that the issue lies in the driver? I did some looking-up and found that /var/log/syslog had TONS of (wlo1): failed to set MAC address to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX messages, where those X's are basically anything. It failed to set MAC addresses even to the same value it already was!
More information: I successfully changed the MAC address of a different system, a desktop with an ethernet connection. I did this using the GUI provided by network-manager. As indicated above, the /var/log/syslog of the laptop with the problems is full of error messages indicating that network-manager is having problems setting MAC addresses. If it's at all possible, a solution that lets me keep using network-manager would be great. I'm not sure how to proceed without network-manager, and I am not sure whether changing the MAC address via ifconfig is actually changing it or only causing it to appear to be changed, since it gives an error message but still shows up with the new value. Should I try to get a working setup that doesn't use network-manager, or try to further track down the problems it has been having?
Next, we actually spoof our MAC. Any hexadecimal value will do, but some networks may be configured to refuse to assign IP addresses to a client whose MAC does not match up with any of known vendors. Therefore, unless you control the network(s) you are connecting to, use MAC prefix of any real vendor (basically, the first three bytes), and use random values for next three bytes. For more information please read Wikipedia:Organizationally unique identifier.
If you want to verify that your MAC has been spoofed, simply run ip link show interface again and check the value for 'link/ether'. If it worked, 'link/ether' should be whatever address you decided to change it to.
Below you find two examples of systemd units to change a MAC address at boot, one sets a static MAC using ip and one uses macchanger to assign a random MAC address. The systemd is used to ensure the MAC is changed before a network manager like Netctl or NetworkManager, systemd-networkd or dhcpcd service starts.
Reboot, or stop and start the prerequisite and requisite services in the proper order. If you are in control of your network, verify that the spoofed MAC has been picked up by your router by examining the static, or DHCP address tables within the router.
Specifying AddressRandomizationRange enables control over which part of the address is randomized. If set to nic, only the NIC specific octets (last three octets) are randomized. The permanent mac address of the network interface is used for the initial 3 octets. If set to full, all six octets of the address are randomized.
Every NIC (Network Interface Card) has a unique MAC address (Media Access Control). This applies to all types of network cards, including Ethernet cards and WiFi cards. The MAC Address is a six-byte number or 12-digit hexadecimal number that is used to uniquely identify a host on a network. 2b1af7f3a8
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