C Webclient Downloadstring Encoding __LINK__
LINK ::: https://urlin.us/2thqw8
I attempt to save the html of a website in a string. The website has international characters (ę, ś, ć, ...) and they are not being saved to the string even though I set the encoding to be UTF-8 which corresponds to the websites charset.
Nominatim always returns its results in UTF-8 encoding. It looks like you are trying to interpret the result using some windows encoding. According to this stackoverflow question you need to set webClient.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 to enforce the correct encoding.
You can think of UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859-1... as lookup tables. Where the code maps to a character. Let's say you send a remote system an UTF-8 encode character but the system uses a different encoding. The remote system sees an unexpected character at least not the same character that was send because it used a different coded character page. But the actual binary data did not change assuming bytes were not truncated.
1) in general no. though can write your website, to look at the request header to determine the request encoding, and use this to decide the response encoding. So you would need to know the actual behavior of a particular website.
2) setting the web client encoding only effects the encoding of the upload unicode string. if you use UTF8 and upload a multibyte character, whether the web server called returns the proper character will depend on how they handle encoding. if they use UTF8 or UTF16 you will get the proper response, if they use 8bit, you will not be able to echo multibyte data.
3) when web client processes the response, it must convert the response byte array to a unicode string via decoding. if the response header specifies the encoding, that encoding is used else the default.
note: a web server may not support any encoding other than ISO-8859-1. in this case you should not change the default encoding. web servers can use the Accept-Language header to specify what encoding they support. this is how a browser knows what encoding to use with a post.
thanks a lot for your valuable reply.. but since i can send a value such as 123 to the erd party API and it got saved correctly inside the 3rd party API this mean that the 3rd party API support UTF8 is this correct since and are only available as part of the UTF8 encoding
That'd be encoding to UTF-8 then, not ISO-8859-1. The non-breaking space character is byte 0xA0 in ISO-8859-1; when encoded to UTF-8 it'd be 0xC2,0xA0, which, if you (incorrectly) view it as ISO-8859-1 comes out as \"Â \". That includes a trailing nbsp which you might not be noticing; if that byte isn't there, then something else has mauled your document and we need to see further up to find out what.
What's the regexp, how does the templating work There would seem to be a proper HTML parser involved somewhere if your strings are (correctly) being turned into U+00A0 NON-BREAKING SPACE characters. If so, you could just process your template natively in the DOM, and ask it to serialise using the ASCII encoding to keep non-ASCII characters as character references. That would also stop you having to do regex post-processing on the HTML itself, which is always a highly dodgy business.
using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Utilities { publicstaticclass Translator { /// /// Translates the text./// /// The input./// The language pair./// publicstaticstring TranslateText(string input, string languagePair) { return TranslateText(input, languagePair, System.Text.Encoding.UTF7); } /// /// Translate Text using Google Translate/// /// The string you want translated/// 2 letter Language Pair, delimited by \"\". /// e.g. \"enda\" language pair means to translate from English to Danish/// The encoding./// Translated to Stringpublicstaticstring TranslateText(string input, string languagePair, Encoding encoding) { string url = String.Format(\" _thl=en&ie=UTF8&text={0}&langpair={1}\", input, languagePair); string result = String.Empty; using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.Encoding = encoding; result = webClient.DownloadString(url); } Match m = Regex.Match(result, \"(
I have a love/hate relationship with the System.Uri class. It's great when it works as you expect, but I've had a few of battles related to Url encoding and decoding and in this post I'll point out one oddity that bit me today.
I frequently use the Uri class to build Urls, both for Web Urls as well as for local Urls. Specifically I commonly use it to normalize relative URLs into absolute Urls or vice versa. One very nice thing about the URI class is that it also works with file paths so it can be quite useful into combining paths and encoding/decoding the URL formatting which is quite useful if you're embedding local file links into things like Markdown documents (imagine that!).
Specifically when combining the URLs, the second URL is added as a literal string and not considered as encoded. The result is that the %20 space encoding is encoded as %2520 - basically encoding the % and writing out the 20 after that. IOW, the input is treated as a raw unencoded string.
The first take-away is that the Uri class is a powerful tool to work with paths, both for Web and local paths as it can handle Url encoding and formatting in a much cleaner way than manually picking up URLs and UrlEncoding and Decoding. I had previously made myself a lot of extra work retrieving HTML document Urls decoding them, then re-encoding them later for re-embedding when Uri can handle all that for you.
But as always - caveats, especially for local file URLs. The way Urls are assigned and how UrlEncoding works is not always obvious, and in this case it outright caused my application to break because of an untested scenario (spaces in Urls specificially). In the end there are a couple of easy solutions to ensure proper encoding:
I resolved this. It was bad code on my end. I was doing an additional UTF8 encoding of the content that corrupted the Docx file prior to sending the Base64 encoded string to the distributed PDF Conversion Service.
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