Buy Smoke Detectors In Bulk
Shop smoke alarms wholesale and find exactly what you need to keep your home or commercial property safe. We specialize in bulk smoke detectors from leading fire alarm suppliers, including BRK, Kidde, and USI Electric, with a wide range of options so that you can find the perfect fit in terms of features and price.
The Universal Security Store has made it easier than ever to buy wholesale smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, combination alarms or any of the other safety products available in our store. Simply contact us with what items you are interested in and one of our dedicated sales representatives will follow up with you to provide a quote. If you have any questions, please contact us at 847-701-3013.
Usually, the smoke alarm battery will be AA (cylinder shape) or 9V (rectangular shape) depending on the year manufactured. The battery type should be displayed prominently somewhere on the battery itself.
Make one order to last you several years. Enough after-work trips to the hardware store or several small purchases every year with tax and shipping stealthily piling up. Order a bunch of smoke detector batteries at a bulk discount and check the box so you can turn your attention to checking all the other ones.
Ionization smoke alarms include a chamber containing the mildly radioactive material Americium 241 incorporated into a gold matrix. Because of the long half-life of Americium 241, the amount of radioactive material in the smoke alarm at the end of its certified useful life will be about the same as when you bought it.
Photoelectric smoke detectors and ionization smoke alarms also contain a number of materials that are best handled by commercial recycling facilities. Both types of smoke detectors contain plastic and electronic circuit boards and in some cases batteries (alkaline or lithium).
All smoke detectors for EZ on the earth are recycled through the EZ on the Earth division. EZ on the Earth, a division of Lighting Resources, offers recycle disposal kits as large as 28 gallons to manage larger quantities of smoke detectors containing Americium 241. Each recycle kit contains everything you need to properly manage your spent smoke detectors that contain Americium 241.
After putting in more than 70 hours researching fire safety, interviewing five experts, and reading well over a hundred pages of smoke-alarm data, we recommend the First Alert SA511CN2-3ST Interconnected Wireless Smoke Alarm with Voice Location as the primary alarm in a comprehensive whole-home fire-protection system.
The smoke alarms we recommend use AA or 9V batteries, but if your city or state requires a 10-year sealed battery in your smoke alarm, we like the First Alert PR710 Slim Photoelectric Smoke Alarm with 10-Year Battery. This UL-approved alarm has no connectivity, so it lacks the whole-house protection of our main picks, but otherwise it should offer the same smoke-sensing effectiveness. Research has shown (PDF) that 10-year batteries may not actually last 10 years, so we still recommend testing them on a schedule and not falling into complacency. First Alert also sells the P1210E 10-Year Battery Photoelectric Smoke Alarm, Slim Profile with Safety Path Light, which is the same alarm but with an added pathway light that turns on when the alarm is activated.
Many states require interconnected, hardwired smoke alarms with a battery backup in all new construction. Retrofitting this kind of wiring into a house is expensive, so now some new battery-powered smoke alarms use a basic wireless technology to link units. Overall, our research convinced us that recommending interconnected models should be a main focus of this guide.
The alarms we recommend all sound at 85 decibels, which should be loud enough for most people, but if you have hearing loss or are just a heavy sleeper, there are other options to consider. Some smoke alarms, such as the Gentex 7139LS Photoelectric Smoke Alarm with Plug-In Line Cord, ADA Strobe and Battery Backup, include a strobe alert, which may help. More comprehensive systems, like the Lifetone HLAC151 Bedside Fire Alarm and Clock and the SafeAwake, are also available; when these bedside units pick up the alarm sound from a standard smoke alarm, they flash lights, emit a loud low-frequency alert, and vibrate a pillow shaker. The NFPA has more advice on how to start locating the best smoke alarm for your specific situation.
Although First Alert is not immune to recalls (it recalled nearly 150,000 smoke alarms in 2006 and roughly 600,000 fire extinguishers in 2000), none of them are recent or on the scale of what Kidde has had to do.
Below is the list of fire alarm wiring products available here at Cables for Less. Each fire cable is suitable for use in smoke alarms, smoke detectors, pull boxes, burglar alarms, and addressable fire alarm systems. Unless otherwise stated, all fire alarm cable products available here have solid bare copper conductors, though it is worth noting that some fire cables have two conductors whereas others have four. To tell, refer to the name of the product. If the name contains 14/2, 16/2, or 18/2, then it has two conductors, whereas our 16/4 and 18/4 fire alarm cables have four conductors. Each 100 ft spool of cabling is also ETL listed and RoHS compliant.
In the right hands, smoke detectors, antiques, and and surplus lanterns can make for serious issues. David Hahn is still alive, and suffering no medical problems from his irradiation. Guess that merit badge did him some good.
Thumper235, When you posted a comment on 9/28/08 about your arrest, you failed to mention that you were infact in possession of a concealed weapon and COCAINE!!! All of your psycho ramblings that you leave as comments suggest that you have a PROBLEM with cocaine. PROBABLY CRACK COCAINE!!! Upon your release from the military the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND F.B.I. have been ordered to keep a close eye on you AT ALL TIMES!!!! You also failed to mention that you were arrested in 2007 when you got caught stealing smoke dectectors from the hallways of the apartment buildings where you lived! YOU ARE A THREAT TO SOCIETY AND SHOULD BE COMMITED TO A PSYCHE WARD FOR THE REST OF YOUR NATURAL LIFE!!!!!! They even watch you when you sleep!
Smoke alarms are important to fire safety in your home because, the risk of dying in home structure fires is 55 percent lower in homes with working smoke alarms than in homes with no alarms or none that worked. Buying smoke alarms can be a bit confusing to someone who is not aware of all the different types and the terminology being used. Because of this, I am going to break down some of the most frequently asked questions to help you choose the best alarm.
Ionization smoke alarms utilize a small amount of radioactive material to ionize air molecules into positively and negatively charged molecules that create a small electric current. The introduction of smoke into that ionized air will reduce the amount of current and cause the smoke alarm to sound. Typically, smoke alarms with Ionization detectors tend to be less expensive than alarms with photoelectric detectors.
There are some smoke alarms available that will produce both the temporal 3 pattern (a continued set of three loud beeps -- beep, beep, beep) as well as having a voice announcement that can tell you things like where the smoke is being detected or if there is an issue with the smoke alarm.
A combination smoke carbon monoxide alarm is an alarm that has both sensors to sense smoke and to sense for carbon monoxide. These alarms may look like smoke alarms and are mounted on the ceiling or the wall near the ceiling. If your house has fuel burning equipment (oil or gas boiler, oil or gas furnace, oil or gas water heater, fire-place ect.) then you will need to also have carbon monoxide detection within your house.
Americium-241 in the form of Americium Oxide (Am2O3) is available as a bulk material in two different grades depending on application. The principal difference between the grades is the removal of other isotopes (Am-243 and Cm-244) from the material. Am-241 is typically used in the preparation of low energy gamma sealed source used in analytical instrumentation, neutron sources used in process industry and oil exploration and production and manufacture of smoke detectors.
SCP Fire Alarm cables are used in smoke alarms and detectors, voice communications, addressable fire alarm systems, microprocessor controlled systems, pull boxes, burglar alarms, wiring of fire alarms, and fire protective circuits. The cables meet all NEC and UL guidelines. SCP maintains stock in both FLPR [riser rated, non-plenum] in shielded and unshielded versions. Also, FPLP [plenum rated] in shielded and unshielded configurations.Click here to download SCP's UL Certificate of Compliance for FPL , FPLP and FPLR
Interested in learning more about how to prepare your home and family against a home fire Sign up for a home fire safety visit, including a FREE smoke alarm installation for your household, from your local Red Cross.
Your Sound the Alarm event will be a fun day of preparing families against home fires and making your community safer. Together, we will canvass neighborhoods, knock on doors, check smoke alarms in homes and replace if necessary, educate families about home fire safety, build evacuation plans with them and document our services.
You'll meet your installation team members (if you don't already know them) and receive supplies such as smoke alarms, a drill, educational materials, and a map of your route for the day. Then it's time to head out! 59ce067264
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