Answers To Ut Homework Quest Physics
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Some questions you may encounter in Quest will use numeric free response answers that you type in. The following example is a numeric type question on a learning module slide, but these questions can appear on all types of Quest assignments.
GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT: Orrin Shindell,, office RLM 14.218.Orrin will address questions about ambiguities in the Learning Module questions and Homework problems.
i-CLICKERS will be used in class starting on Friday January 23rd. Starting on Monday, January 26th, the clicker questions will count toward the semester grade. For a clicker session in a class, 50% of the clicker grade for that class will be given IF some response (right or wrong) is made for every clicker question. The remaining 50% of the clicker grade will be pro-rated by the number of correct answers to the questions. For example, if there are four clicker questions with a response for all four questions but with only one correct response, the grade for the class is 62.5%=[50% +(1/4)50%].
The Quest content delivery and homework server system is maintained by the College of Natural Sciences. After the 12th day of class, when you log into Quest you will be asked to pay via credit card on a secure payment site. You have the option to wait up to 30 days to pay while still continuing to use Quest for your assignments. Address questions regarding fees to Address questions regarding payments to .
HOMEWORK: Due by 11:30 p.m. in the Quest system each Thursday and Sunday (except Sunday evenings before a Monday evening test). You may submit your answers one problem at a time, any time up to the due time for the homework set. No homework will be accepted beyond the cutoff time.
COACHING TABLES: Starting on Monday, February 2nd, assistance with course material and homework will be provided by physics graduate students, 9-5 weekdays in RLM near the elevators on the 5th floor (one floor up from ground level).
Writing: You will have to do a moderate amount of writing in this course. You will write two full lab reports and write text responses to questions in lab each week. The WarmUp exercises require written answers, and extra credit assignments require written answers as well. In all written assignments, you should write as if you were writing a technical memo in a business situation. Please see the writing page for more information.
Each question on your online homework assignments is graded on a 0 to 10 point scale by the Quest server. Every assignment is graded on a 0 to 5.5 point basis by your instructor. On top of this grade, attendance to the recitation and working on the whiteboard problems gives you 0.5 points, for a total of 6 points per recitation. At the end of the semester, your lowest recitation scores will be dropped so that the maximum will be 150 points. 153554b96e
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